Welcome to 2021. With great expectations, we all counted down the final minutes of 2020, anticipating a new beginning. Wanting to leave one of the toughest years behind us. The fantasy of a cure for Covid mixed with a new President gave promise to new, better times.
But that just isn’t the case. 2021 is a new year that isn’t much different than the last. We still have a pandemic and can’t return to our 2019 lives. Trump’s final days in office were even more catastrophic than the entirety of his whole term.
With the swearing in of a new president and vice president, we see a spark of hope. But that hope alone will not make this year different. So, I thought I would share some tips on how I’m doing more than just surviving 2021.
Introducing “The Non Survival Guide 2021”
Tip 1:Get Deep
Coachella probably won’t be happening this year, and the same with most large-scale, in-person events. Spontaneous, superficial relationships have nowhere to flourish. My advice: get deeper into the relationships you have.
Covid has postponed the Narcissist Olympics and makes room for real conversation. Ask that person you think you know everything about a question you’ve never asked them. There is no FOMO anymore, except maybe on Clubhouse. You don’t need to be anywhere but where you are at. Take time and invest in your close, personal relationships.
Tip 2: Stop Doom Scrolling
When we have idle time we scroll. When there is a small space where our attention isn’t needed we look down at our phones and scroll. Often those scrolls begin to stress us out or make us jealous, angry, or anxious. Don’t do it!!!
That is obvious and easy to say. But I also have a tip to help: books. Strategically place books around the places you would normally slip and fall into a doom scroll, and flip pages instead of swipe up. I have books in my bathroom, next to the bed and on the table in the living room. All places where I normally reach for my phone, I instead reach for a book.
Tip 3: Do Something New
We can all list out the many things we have stopped doing because of COVID. Instead, make a list of the things always wanted to do.
Every topic you can imagine has an online course, and most likely a book about it as well. Take the courses or plant the books in spots around your house. Trying new things will bring new perspectives.
When I look back at this point in history I don’t want to say “I got to rewatch Game of Thrones.” Hope these simple tips help you create your new normal, and make 2021 the best year ever